Category: Meetings (Page 1 of 2)
This month our presenter is Garey Hope from Will Hope and Son in Burlington. Garey’s family has been designing and hand crafting granite, marble and bronze memorials for families that have lost a loved one and for towns or groups looking for a war memorial or other monumental art work for over 100 years. Garey will share how memorials and the business of stone cutting changed thru the years. Should be an interesting night. Our meeting starts at 7pm at the Delran Municipal Building. The public is welcome to come out for this interesting talk. We’ll have tickets for our annual hoagie sale available. We might even have a few Vid’s Deli Hoagies to sample.
Join the Delran Historical Society on Tuesday January 16 for our first meeting of 2018. Richard Knight, Delran Mayor between 1984 and 1992, is our guest speaker. He will share his experience as mayor and the changes that occurred in Delran during his term. The public is welcome to join us and learn about the history of our town. Our meeting starts at 7pm in the community room at the Delran Municipal Building at 900 Chester Avenue.
Delran Historical Society has its regular monthly meeting on October 17 at the Delran Municipal Building starting at 7pm. If you received an email indicating the sign you requested was available and didn’t pick it up on October 4 please plan to stop by. The list of signs still available is posted on our website. We’ll have them too if you’d like to purchase one of the available signs. Public Works is working to upgrade and replace street signs throughout Delran. We expect another batch in 2018.
October 17th is our regular monthly meeting. It begins at 7pm in the Delran Municipal Building. Please feel free to join us for our meeting and light refreshments. We will be selling tickets for our November 25th bus trip to Longwood Gardens to see the Holiday display. Here’s a link for more information.
If you received a confirmation email indicating that the street sign you wished to purchase was available and you didn’t pick it up on October 4, you can stop by on October 17.
Hope you are enjoying your summer vacation. The Delran Historical Society is taking the month of August off for our vacation. Hope to see you at our September meeting on September 19, 2017.
Members of the Delran Historical Society spent their Saturday morning reviewing donations, cataloging into our database, and scanning items. Our hard work pays off so we can locate historical items when requested. We also pulled items to include in an upcoming article about Millside Farms in the Positive Press. Do you have a piece of Delran’s history? Attend our monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of each month in the Delran Community Room in the Municipal Building at 7pm.

Show and Tell – March 21, 2017
Join us on March 21 at 7pm for our artifact “Show and Tell” . Attendees can bring in something old of their interest and share the story behind the item. We’d like it to be a little like Antique Roadshow without the appraisal. Maybe you’ve got an old antique handed down for generations, a photograph, glassware, art work, tool or toy. Just make sure you can carry it in with you. Bring something near and dear to you and share the story of how you got the item and why it’s so special to you. It doesn’t need to be a Delran related item, just something you’d like to share. We hope that this “Show and Tell” makes for some interested discussions.
Our meeting starts at 7pm in the Community Room at the Delran Municipal Building at 900 Chester Avenue. All are welcome and encouraged to participate. Light refreshments will be served.
Join the Delran Historical Society in kicking off 2017 with a program about our historical marker trail. We dedicated the first 10 sites for our historical marker program in October of 2016. On January 17th, we have a program on the history of the sites that were marked in 2016 and the sites we are working on for 2017. Maybe you have a story or information about Trinity Church, Bridgeboro Grammar School, the World War II observation tower, New Riverside Cemetery, Cambridge School, the 1751 Conrow House, the Methodist Episcopal Church in Bridgeboro, the Bridgeboro Cemetery or Trinity Cemetery to share. Or you have information on one of the sites were investigating for listing in 2017. These are Chesterville School, Haines Mill, Odd Fellows Lodge, Fortnum Motors, Anderson’s Rainbow Meadow Farms, Ott’s Tavern, and the old Mill House at Swedes Run. The meeting starts at 7pm. Light refreshments will be served. You can join or renew your membership at the meeting.
Join us at our June monthly meeting when our featured speaker will be Alice Smith. Alice Smith will highlight the guidelines outlined in Donald A. Ritchie’s book Doing Oral History. This book is considered the premier guidebook to oral history used by historians, archivists, and genealogists as a core text throughout the history community. Alice will be discussing setting up oral history projects and conducting interviews. She will also be sharing some of the information gathered from an oral history project conducted about ten years ago while interviewing persons who worked the Russ farm in Delano. Genealogy involves researching historical documents, oral history and now DNA. Alice M. Smith has been involved with the Riverside Historical Society since 1999. She is a resident of Delran and is also an active member of the Delran Historical Society.
Join us at 7pm on Tuesday June 21 at the Delran Township Municipal Building. Light refreshments to follow.